20241212 - 20:48


Hello there! I am here again. Here now, currently writing for this project, acknowledging my (already) missing of a day. That’s okay, such is life, and life comes first! Certainly, life is smiling, and its busy-ness is reflecting my newfound increase in ambition. Things are happening, moment by moment, indescribably well. To get stuck on them would be to lose their perfection; all we can do is continue on to the next one. And they keep arising, of course, indefinitely, forever and ever. Fears of overambition shouts at me from afar, of burnout or ego-drivenness, but I know, now, directly, that these are false. It is not that. I am just genuinely happy and confident within myself and in my capability to achieve great things. The only thing left to do at the point is to just do them. An implementation detail, really. Right now, I am, however, exhausted, and a good night’s sleep is very much needed. Life is smiling widely, and all I can be is incredibly grateful for this opportunity to bask in its glory; to share its smile: inside of myself, and with the people whom I love. Every day, every moment, the energy that we cultivate and abide in makes a difference. What a wondrous opportunity to have it be for good!