240301 - Whimsy

240301 - Whimsy

I feel like the further I walk the more I see that I’m actually standing still. Everything changes, and yet it’s all the same. A familiar face brings up conversations around long-forgotten musings. In their remembrance the truth shines forth; they were never forgotten. The cobwebs decorating their circumference is easily mistaken, hinting only at the unorthodoxy of the caretaker’s hobby in feeding the house-spiders. What is unorthodoxy if not the teacher of that all-too-common truth: the foolishness of the habitual? And so again, we find ourselves somewhere. “Of course, here I am!” we exclaim. Without the self-awareness necessary we would rush forth to that other place, recklessly we would get stranded there. Countless times it has happened, countless times again it will. The mistake is in the exclamation. At a loss we are only too keen on forgetting that it is so. Of course, we proclaim. Never was there such a thing. Only Alice would have the wisdom to answer: “I knew this morning, but now, who can tell?” It’s utter nonsense, all of it. How could it be otherwise? How could words display affection, much less honesty? The tear that creeps down my cheek, the shiver running down my spine. Fragility allows sensitivity to bloom, but it would be a grave mistake to think that capture is what it’s about. Expression is the re-creation of a moment, but only for the nervous man. He is at the whim of time, against it he is doomed to fight. Lessening our hold, the eagle teaches us a trick or two. Is the right-step the same, two instances apart? Well, that depends, perhaps you blinked and fell through the stars? Stability; upheld as the nobility of old. What a dreadful bore! and besides, is it not just farce when all is told? Indeed, words are much too flimsy to ever try to catch the essence. But sometimes they can lead you here, a new adventure altogether! I pray they may, I pray they will, I pray they shall. If only so that we could share it among us, all of us together. This one occassion, this moment, right here, right now. What a beautiful day it would be, to find ourselves in company. I have just the thing, some dried up leaves; the rest I leave to you. Go on, don’t you worry. I’ll be here waiting, take your time. Just don’t forget, in the end, that all of it is in your mind.