240620 - A walk in the park

240620 - A walk in the park

What a wonder it is, to be alive. To be confused, lost, struggling; these make up our days just as much as happiness, bliss, and peace. Rising, falling, my lungs breathe. Right, left, my feet walk. Here, there, my mind wanders. Pleasantness arises, pleasantness ceases. Discomfort arises, discomfort ceases. Life moves through, paying no heed to my vocalized outbursts. “Can’t you be more like this!?” I shout at the tree-tops. A sparrow dives from the comfort of his nest in the tree branches, extends his wings, and flaxes away. As if recognizing my despair, a breeze takes a hold of me and I instinctly clutch at my head, afraid of losing my hat. Jovially the universe laughs at my silliness. A small child stutters forward, laughing, in a rare glimpse of speed. Further away two dogs greet eachother in their usual fashion, imitating the ouroboros. I blink, and let the moment impale me. In its force I am annihilated. For an instant, dead, the next, reborn, through its energetic waves carried forward. There is nothing but this. The child stumbles, falls, and starts to cry. The sun looks forward from the cloud and blinds me. The scent of elderflowers rushes by. Suddenly I am aware of the grass beneath my soles. My feet wake up, and continue. Left, right, left, they move on. I shudder despite the heat, and let out a sigh. Oh, indeed, what a wondrous mystery. Today, another opportunity to be alive. To walk the earth, to breathe the air, just to be. Tomorrow, who knows?