240603 - I love her so

240603 - I love her so

I love her so. She is my sunshine - not the only one but that which guides me through, Her existence brings me calm, her presence even more. Without her I feel lost, distant, alone. She bridges that annihilating gap towards the Other, Bringing Union and Connection into spaces it was hitherto unknown. I love her so. But accross a thousand miles, still she’s right here with me, Isolation felt as an illusion, as nothing more than the absence of the act of listening. Now I hear her next to me; In the buzzing of the bees, the baby-birds incessant scream for food, in the rustling of the leaves as the wind pass by, or the sound of rain hitting gravel road. I open my eyes and I know that in the absence of talking, there is space: Space for listening, space for unfolding. Space for beauty.