230709 - Washing the dishes

09-07 - Washing the dishes

Renouncing the fruit of our actions. This is the meaning of letting go. When planting a garden, we require faith. We simply cultivate it, but we cannot make the seeds grow. We care for it, that is our action. The rest, we must leave to nature. Some seeds might not blossom, others might bloom late. That’s okay. We don’t have to worry about it, we just keep planting seeds, keep watering. When washing the dishes, we wash the dishes. If we set our mind on having the dishes washed, the act of washing becomes a drag. It becomes something we have to endure, in order to get to where we want to be, which is having the dishes washed. But we don’t have anywhere else to be. We can just wash the dishes. With precision and gentleness, with presence, we are alongside the dishes. Relieving ourself of the pressure of having to control the future, with simplicity we wash our dishes. The act is the act is the act. We just let it play out. Wholeheartedly we shall walk through life, with humbleness we devote, sacrifice, our actions, to a higher cause.

We let the world flow through us. This is the realization of selflessness. How can we lay claim to our actions, or their fruit, seeing their dependence, their interconnectedness?
Where is the independence, the seperateness, that can create?
All we have to do is surrender to the fluidity of it. The outcome is beyond us.