230706 - A good day - (Evening)

06-07 - A good day - (Evening)

It’s the most ordinary thing. A good day. That’s all. Mundane, in comprasion to the spiritual ecstasies. But it’s beautiful. So beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes. It’s the beauty of experience that we tend to miss. Not an experience, but experience itself. A part of me wonders if its anything at all. This can certainly not be seen as something attained. But who cares? It feels like Grace. It’s the precision that hits the most. Things are imbued with existence. It’s palpable. My hand as I’m writing this. The words appearing on paper, seemingly summoned from nothingness. The pureness of the out-breath, the bodily relief it brings. The Oneness of experience. It’s felt. Expansion. Release. Flow. It’s so difficult to write about. Like I said, it’s nothing really. Just a good day.