230623 - Acceptance

23-06 - Acceptance

Today was a good day. I spent most of with an Israeli girl I met in Nepal who also came to Dharamsala. I enjoy her company. We walked around the city (town?) and forest and explored a bit. It was calming, just having somebody I knew and coult talk to in a place like this. Tomorrow the Yoga course starts. I think I will be alone. It’s weird, and scary. But, as with all things, they usually turn out well if you let them. At least there’s always something to be learned. I actually look forward to working with my body again. I’ve been slacking off so much since I left China, with different excuses. I feel a bit embarassed, doing Tai-Chi in public (and alone). Just another thing to overcome.

Today there hasn’t been as many doubts, or thoughts about the past and future. I let the present rule instead. I guess it’s easier when you’re doing stuff. I don’t have anything to say today, really. I just feel alright. Joyous even. It’s seperate from the shape of experience. It’s experiencing itself. Easy enough in a well-ventilated room. Now to not get caught up during the day… well that’s another story. I find that the anchor in my breath is very strong, though. Whenever I feel verwhelmed by traveling, I just remember my breath, my body. It’s all the same, fundamentally. Experience through the five aggregates. That’s our center. That’s our world. And we’re always in the middle of our own universe. At least not further than a breath away.