20220107 - 00:43
I've been reflecting a bit lately on things like progress, purpose and presence. It's intrinsically in-communicable, but of course we will always try. The notion of progress is, I think, more dangerous than anything else. It is a bit like hope, or rather, it is at the core of human hope. We are driven by the illusionary sense of making progress in life, climbing towards something better. We forget that the journey is the entire purpose. Life is closer to dancing than working but we lose ourselves in the act and confuse the machine for our soul. So we find ourselves at the purpose, forgetting progress while working towards rekindling the soul, our passions and individuality. Walking a path with the goal of forgetting that there's a destination. Working towards improving yourself with the full knowledge that the act of trying IS the improvement. Suddenly presence appears, with the force of nothing else than the grace of God. Each breath recognized with a humble devotion, each moment embraced and let go. There was never a destination worthy of its name.