241113 - Zengården - Day 8

20241113 - 16:30

241113 - Zengården - Day 8

In an hour Sesshin starts. After work I had a walk through the forest and fields. Balanced on some slippery logs, spun around on the fields. Felt. Joy, sorrow, confusion, determination, resignation. Tension, relaxation. Life. Things are changing. More than my writing, more than I, can keep up. To just be here, wherever that is. Residing in not knowing, in order just to look. What IS here? To be alongside it. Not to interfere, not to plan, work, strain. There is nowhere to go!

Everything inside this right here. Six senses. Six doors. Nothing else. Lack of understanding? Confusion? Doubt? That, too, within. “Ah, I see, I know, I understand. That makes sense.” Also this - within. Day and night, relaxed or tense, active or passive, ebb or flow. There we are, alongside. Just being aware.